Who designed these cards?
Felicity loves to walk, especially on the beach. One day when out walking, clearing her mind from the day’s work frustrations, “she said” statements started popping into her head. Felicity wrote them down and they kept coming; some are a bit autobiographical, ‘she is a dreadful speller and loves chocolate’, but many are from someone else entirely. Maybe “she” says things that put a smile on your face too.
Making the statements into cards was fun. Friends requested more and more cards, so finally Felicity quit her day job (but that’s another story), designed the prototypes and had them printed for you to enjoy.
It’s important to Felicity that the cards retain a hand-made look and are a little bit of an antidote to all that slick marketing and cynicism. If there was time she would make one just for you …but clearly that isn’t a working business model!
How the cards are made and printed
Before taking up card design Felicity worked many years in environmental management. Both minimizing environmental and community impact and putting a smile on your face is important to her so she has chosen the card, envelopes and printer with care.
The clothes on the “she” cards are made from old garments Felicity has loved and worn to holes (but kept to include in collages), or from scraps of paper collected along the way. Felicity is big on re-use!
The card stock is chlorine free and from FSC mix well-managed forests
The envelopes are also from FSC mixed forests.
The cards are printed in New Zealand by a printer that offsets its carbon emissions
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